Information coming soon.
Age Divisions:
- COED 5-7 (Steve Nash Youth Basketball)
- GIRLS 8-9, 10, 11, 12, 13-14, 15-18
- BOYS 8, 9, 10, 11 12, 13, 14, 15, 16-18
- Focus on fun and skill development
- Fair play philosophy
- No experience necessary
- NCCP Level 1 Certified coaching
- Indoor environment during inclement weather for players and spectators
- Low equipment costs (shoes, shorts)
- Reasonable, consistent hours for games and practices
- Tons of fun – ask any WMBA player!
How it works:
- One practice per week on a consistent weeknight
- Specific practice nights for each team are determined after registration is complete
- One weekend game per week
- Players 11 and under play on Saturdays
- Players 12 and over play on Sundays
- Eligibility: Ages 5-18 (as of December 31)
Also see www.wmba.ca for more info.
Indoor Soccer
Soccer is no longer a spring to fall sport in Winnipeg. There are an increasing number of kids and youths of all ages registering to play indoor soccer at all levels. The fast paced action will be sure to keep you in shape over the winter months and develop your passing, shooting and decision making skills. Best of all the weather is ALWAYS perfect!! We welcome all players at all skill levels to come out and register; ages 9 and up. Sign-Up for 8 and Under is at Gateway Community Club.
NKCC hosts a number of hockey teams each year at the 6 and Under, 7 & 8s, and A2 or A3 levels for other age groups, in conjunction with the River East Minor Hockey Association.
All players, coaches and parents participating in hockey at NKCC are asked to adhere to the Winnipeg Minor Hockey Association (WMHA) Respectful Hockey Policy. Please download the document and review it before the season starts.
All players, coaches and parents are also asked to review Hockey Canada’s new Head Contact Rule.
Which pieces of equipment does my child require to play hockey?
- Hockey Helmet (CSA Approved) with Cage
- Mouth Guard (required for all ages), we recommend that you purchase a mouth guard that affixes to your child’s cage, on his or her Helmet.
- Neck Guard
- Shoulder Pads
- Elbow Pads
- Hockey Gloves
- Hockey Pants (the bottom of the hockey pants should be just above the top of your child’s shin pads)
- Jock or Jill
- Shin Pads
- Hockey Skates (we recommend that you buy skates with appropriate ankle support)
- Practice Jersey (game jerseys are not allowed for to be worn for practices)
- Hockey Socks (typically two pairs of game socks are purchased by a team manager or coach and match your team’s jersey colors)
- Hockey Sock Tape
- Hockey Stick
- Hockey Stick Tape
- Hockey Bag (to hold and transport equipment to and from practice and games)
If your child plays goaltender, NKCC has the following equipment available for you to use:
- Glove & Blocker
- Goalie Pads
- Goalie Stick
- Chest Protector
How are tryouts conducted?
Tryouts will be conducted by River East Minor Hockey Association. Paid evaluators will be evaluating your kids for the levels of A1 to A3. This means all tryouts will be done faster and hopefully easier. You will be provided with your initial tryout time at registration.
What other costs can I expect other than the initial registration costs?
Each team is allocated a finite number of indoor practice ice by the league. Indoor practice ice required above and beyond what is allocated, will be at the cost of the team. This is a team decision and the amount of practices will vary amongst teams. Your child’s team could practice once, twice or three times a week. Your team may also partcipate in tournaments throughout the year. These costs are usually shared between each family on the team.
To pay for additional indoor practice ice and tournaments, hockey team managers will collect cheques or cash throughout the season. Expect to be asked for a cheque at your child’s first team meeting. The manager or treasurer will then deposit this money into your team account, and it will be used to secure ice time or pay for tournaments.
The manager of your child’s hockey team is responsible to find his or her team practice ice. Rinks normally charge between $150 per hour to $200 per hour, to rent ice. Tournament fees for the team usually cost between $350-$1000 for the team. Your team manager may also coordinate the purchase of hockey team socks, this is so all the players have the same uniform style/colors of sock that closely match your team’s uniform colors. Team socks vary in cost dependant on which retailer they are purchased from and can range between $9 and $20.
Will there be fundraising?
One popular way to raise additional funds throughout a regular season for your hockey team is to undertake a 50/50 draw. All teams associated with North Kildonan Community Centre must obtain a free Liquor and Gaming Authority of Manitoba community raffle licence prior to holding a draw. The 50/50 is managed by the Home Team during each scheduled season game. Parents from the team are usually asked to take turns selling 50/50 during these scheduled games. The funding is then submitted to the Team Manager for deposit to the team account. Most tournaments hold their own 50/50 draws, therefore, during tournaments 50/50 collection is not permitted.
Other popular fundraisers include the Bud, Spud and Steak and Stock the Bar Raffles. There are many venues around the city, that support these types of fundraisers. The Manager or Treasurer of your child’s team can provide regular statements of funding collected, and the allocation of monies over the course of the scheduled season.
Coaching Certification FAQ
The following information is from Hockey Manitoba (www.hockeymanitoba.ca).
It is important that anyone coaching, or considering coaching one of the NKCC hockey teams, reviews the below, and obtains the necessary certification for their level of coaching.
Every team requires a SAFETY. Team Rosters must be submitted to REMHA (River East Minor Hockey Association). Those teams that do not have a certified safety person (or someone who has signed up to take the certification), may not be allowed to play scheduled games. Please ensure that you have a designated person, for this purpose. Thank You.
Coaching Clinic Overview
Each clinic’s content is developed by Hockey Canada and the member Branches (Hockey Manitoba) train people to teach the clinics and implement the content to coaches. There is no ladder of prerequisites to climb; coaches simply take the certification path that is applicable to the age/category of the athlete they are currently coaching.
What do I need to coach?
- ALL coaches must have Respect in Sport certification by December 1, 2012. Previous Speak Out clinic certification is equivalent to Respect in Sport.
- Coaches must obtain proper coach certification by December 1, 2012. See chart below for requirements listed by division/category.
- Ensure your team has a hockey certified Safety person (or persons). A certified Safety person must be at all team games & practices. Click here for Safety – Trainer 1 clinic info.
- ALL Minor Hockey & High School coaches must wear a CSA approved helmet with fastened chin strap during all on-ice practices/activities.
Coaching Certification Required
Interested in becoming a Hockey Referee?
We are always looking for more referees to help in the busy hockey season. If you are interested in becoming a referee, and earning some money along the way, please see us at the Hockey Table during winter registrations.
Hockey Timekeeper Clinic
Please visit this article for information on the Hockey Timekeeper Clinic.