Lace ‘em up: outdoor rinks still open for the season
Thanks to our hardworking, dedicated team, we’ve managed to save one of our outdoor rinks from the recent stretch of warm weather.
Rink 1 will be open daily from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., ice conditions permitting. Don’t miss your chance for one last skate or game of pick-up before spring arrives!
For your safety, it’s strongly recommended that skaters of all ages use a properly fitting CSA-approved hockey helmet with a face mask while using the outdoor rinks or pleasure skating pad.
Spring basketball registration now open
Registration is now open for the 2025 Winnipeg Minor Basketball Association Spring Community League season.
Players aged 7 to 17 can sign up online on WMBA’s website. Please select North Kildonan as your association when registering to ensure your community club fees are redirected to NKCC.
The deadline to register is March 15. Practices begin in early April, with the first league games scheduled for the weekend of April 12. League playoffs tip off at the start of June, leading up to the City Championships on June 14-15.
For more details, contact the WMBA at 204-925-5774 or info@wmba.ca.
Outdoor soccer season registration kicks off
North Kildonan Community Centre is pleased to offer registration for the 2025 U4 to U6 (born between January 1, 2019 and December 31, 2021) spring outdoor micro-soccer season.
Games will be played in May and June on Mondays and Wednesdays from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the soccer fields between NKCC and Springfield Heights School. The registration fee for all age groups is $105. A $18.05 Manitoba Soccer Association player fee and $0.40 credit card fee will be applied to all registrations. The deadline to sign your child up is April 1. To register, please click the link below:
2025 Outdoor U4 to U6 Micro-Soccer Registration
To help run a successful micro-soccer season, we’re in need of volunteers to coach teams. NKCC will reimburse any coaching requirement fees. Email nkcc@shaw.ca if you’re interested.
Regulation Soccer
To register for U7 to U18 regulation soccer (born in 2007 to 2018), visit Winnipeg Phoenix FC’s website.