Age Divisions:
- COED 5-7 (Steve Nash Youth Basketball)
- GIRLS 8-9, 10, 11, 12, 13-14, 15-18
- BOYS 8, 9, 10, 11 12, 13, 14, 15, 16-18
- Focus on fun and skill development
- Fair play philosophy
- No experience necessary
- NCCP Level 1 Certified coaching
- Indoor environment during inclement weather for players and spectators
- Low equipment costs (shoes, shorts)
- Reasonable, consistent hours for games and practices
- Tons of fun – ask any WMBA player!
How it works:
- One practice per week on a consistent weeknight
- Specific practice nights for each team are determined after registration is complete
- One weekend game per week
- Players 11 and under play on Saturdays
- Players 12 and over play on Sundays
- Eligibility: Ages 5-18 (as of December 31)
Also see for more info.